Tails of Love is a non-profit organization helping companion animals through spay and neuter assistance and educational outreach programs established to reduce pet overpopulation and to prevent animal cruelty

We are a non-profit spay and neuter assistance program located in the Nebraska Panhandle.

For each human born in the US, seven puppies or kittens are born. With these birth rates there will never be enough homes for all of these animals. Spay and neuter your cats and dogs to eliminate the needless suffering of companion animals.

Please contact us for more information or spay and neuter financial assistance.

Spaying or neutering reduces animal populations by keeping cats and dogs safe and off the streets and out of shelters where many are euthanized. It also has health and behavioral benefits for the animals.

Help prevent pet overpopulation and animal cruelty

“One way you can help reduce the number of animals without a comfortable home is to have your pets spayed or neutered. This will help reduce the number of homeless pets and animals in shelters which will lead to less animals euthanized each year. Sadly only one out of five puppies or kittens will stay in their original home. The other four will be neglected, abandoned, poisoned, abused or surrendered to a shelter.” -

According to studies by the National Council on Pet Population, 71% of the cats and 55% of the dogs in shelters are destroyed. Controlling these animal populations will save animals and prevent unnecessary cruelty and death.