About Tails of Love

Tails of Love is a non-profit organization originally formed to promote the spaying and neutering of pets and to provide financial aid for pet owners who cannot afford to pay for spay/neuter procedures.

In recent years, Tails of Love has expanded its goals to include educating the public on various animal-related topics including: pet overpopulation, animal cruelty, and animal care in general. Our group is also working with state legislators to strengthen existing animal cruelty laws and increase punishments for those who mistreat animals. We also seek to work with local law enforcement to abolish barbaric practices such as dog fighting and the hoarding of animals.

One of the ultimate goals of Tails of Love is to build a no-kill shelter in the area to further promote the adoption of abandoned, lost or unwanted animals and to eliminate the needless euthanasia of innocent animals.


Tails of Love: What we do

Our primary founding goal is the reduction of animal populations to prevent the unnecessary killing of innocent animals who are unwanted, abandoned and homeless. We subsidize spay and neuter surgeries for owners who could not otherwise afford the procedure for their pets. These owners can obtain a voucher for the spaying and neutering procedure at a reduced cost.

Tails of Love relies upon the grant funds as well as donations provided directly from the public to fund low cost sterilization surgeries. Local veterinarians perform these procedures. Public donations are obtained through membership fees, local events and fundraising projects. Local merchants often participate in our fundraisers by donating money, services, or supplies. Tails of Love is a great supporter and promoter of Spay Day USA.

In addition, we have been thoroughly researching the laws covering animal cruelty and have met with legislators to bring the current laws up to date. Tails of Love also provides classroom education on animal issues bringing to students an awareness of the need for compassion and respect for all animals and the importance of spaying and neutering animals to reduce pet populations.


Why is the work of Tails of Love important?

A trip to an animal shelter will convince you that there is a pet overpopulation problem in this country. Consider there are six to eight million cats and dogs entering shelters each year - and that half of those (3-4 million) are euthanized. This senseless massacre of animals must be brought to an end.

Sustained sterilization programs can lower the number of animals entering shelters which lowers the number of animals which can be euthanized. Past events concerning organized dogfights have brought to light the terrible realization that the mistreatment of animals is far worse and more widespread than any of us believed. Tails of Love is working to eliminate all forms of animal cruelty and to make society aware of the dangerous connection between violence against animals and violence against other humans.

If you wish to assist Tails of Love in making the world a better place for our pets, please consider making a donation or becoming a member. Members receive a periodic newsletter summarizing our accomplishments and goals and providing information on events such as Spay Day. Tails of Love is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions are tax deductible.